What is the goal of The Launch?
To help high school students prepare themselves to take on responsibility. The more ready they are, the more responsibility they will get, and the more exciting their lives will be. The underlying idea is that what matters in life is not material possessions, athletic ability, good looks, intellectual ability, etc. What matters is character. Character allows men to take on responsibility and makes them great. Character endures after these other things are long gone.
What does the Freshman Seminar offer?
- highlights the important decisions made during high school and how these help shape one’s future strength of character: e.g., choice of friends, the priorities one establishes, relationship with God, attitude toward women, etc.;
- teaches students to study proactively: posing and answering questions, and not merely absorbing information;
- uses historical figures to show that a successful life has its roots in one’s adolescent years;
- reviews in detail a current college application and points out what is being asked of students during the next four years;
- discusses current societal trends that could affect students’ future world;
- offers assistance in finding interesting summer job experiences, volunteer opportunities, research projects, etc.;
- stresses the importance of communication skills through frequent activities involving public speaking and debate.
What does the Professional Seminar for Sophomores and Juniors offer?
- presents men of integrity from over a dozen different professional fields; students hear what their work is like, what challenges it presents, and how they handle these challenges;
- mentors students in leadership skills through actual leadership challenges;
- stresses the importance of communication skills through public speaking and writing classes;
- provides contacts with students at universities across the country who can discuss their college experience with seminar participants;
- offers assistance in finding interesting summer job experiences, volunteer opportunities, research projects, etc.
What does the Filling the Gaps Seminar for Seniors offer?
- introduces students to basic intellectual concepts they will need in life and should be deepening during their college years (e.g., truth, certainty, moral goodness, freedom, rights, the soul, faith and science);
- provides a conceptual framework for evaluating the new ideas students encounter in college;
- teaches students to identify and critique the ideologies that currently underlie the academics at most American universities (e.g., relativism, secular humanism, materialism, etc.).
What does the mentoring involve?
Each student is assigned a mentor who will meet individually with him between the monthly sessions. The mentor guides the student in applying the principles taught in class and helps him set goals that are important and practical. Mentoring sessions last 45 minutes and will take place at Sauganash Study Center.
Isn’t it too early for freshmen or sophomores to worry about things like college and career?
Not at all. The seminar is not meant to create stress about getting into the “best” college or having the “best” job. But high school students should be looking ahead to where they are going in life so that they begin now to develop the skills and attitudes needed for the great tasks of their lives: forming a family, serving society through their work, and developing friendships with colleagues, neighbors, and God. Between the ages 14 and 19, habits are formed, friends are made, ideas and ideals are internalized. Young men need to see their high school years in the light of their entire life.
Can a student sign up for the course even though he cannot attend every session?
Yes, but we strongly encourage attendance to every session. Hence, we do not pro-rate the fee.
Why does Sauganash entrust the Christian orientation of its activities to Opus Dei?
Sauganash’s activities are based on a Christian view of life that recognizes the dignity of the human person, the inherent goodness of the created world, the value of human work, and the God-given moral law. In both the professional activities such as The Launch and spiritual activities like retreats, recollections, and doctrine classes, Opus Dei ensures that a true Christian spirit is present. Opus Dei is an institution of the Catholic Church whose mission is to help people find God in and through the circumstances of their ordinary life.
Should students let their friends know about The Launch?
Yes. We encourage students to inform friends about The Launch. When friends attend the program together, they establish a means of reinforcement extending well beyond the classroom. If students, parents and friends would like a brief presentation of the program, please call Justin Reckart to make arrangements.
For more information, please contact Justin Reckart at 773-283-1099, jreckart@sauganashcenter.org