Sauganash Summer Think Tank
June 6 – 13
For rising sophomores and juniors
Make lemonade out of lemons this summer at the Summer Think Tank. Cancelled summer plans are not problems, they’re opportunities to do something even more exciting. The Summer Think Tank will help you plan and prepare to make this summer the best ever. Over the course of the week, each participant will create his own plan for the summer (including personal projects, time with family, activities with friends, opportunities to serve others, possible summer jobs, etc.) and make the necessary preparations to hit the ground running upon returning home. The daily schedule will include summer planning sessions, seminars and discussions on topics of potential interest for the summer, Mass, time for prayer, virtue talks, sports, and night games. Over the course of the week there will be a few excursions to nearby natural and cultural sites.
$400. Pay online here.
The fee covers lodging, food, and all the activities for the week.
Where & When
Windmoor Study Center
South Bend, IN
June 6 – 13
Transportation between Sauganash and Windmoor will be provided.
To Apply
Submit a short application at the link below by June 2. Acceptances will be announced on June 4.
Space is very limited. Acceptance will be based on your application and the regularity of your attendance to activities at Sauganash.
For More Information
Justin Reckart