Rangers Father-Son Club 2
The Rangers Father-Son Club is open to fathers and their sons in 1st through 3rd grade. Rangers helps young boys to develop virtues (fortitude, temperance, etc.) through talks and fun activities. The talks for the fathers show them the importance of developing virtues and strong character in their sons and give them practical advice on how to do this. Rangers also provides fathers with an opportunity to spend meaningful time with their sons.
Competitive games | Physical challenges| Memorization contests | “How to” lessons | Introductions to potential hobbies | Sports
Club Meeting Schedule
2:00-2:10: Talk on some aspect of character (for the boys with the fathers attending)
2:10-2:40: Activity (for the boys) Talk on virtues (for the dads)
2:40-3:40: Activity (fathers and sons)
3:40-3:45: Talk in Chapel (optional) (fathers and sons)
3:45-4:00: Snack (fathers and sons)
Who can join?
Fathers and their 1st-3rd grade sons. Fathers are expected to attend the meetings with their sons.
How much does it cost?
$100 for a father and one son. $50 for each additional son.
2021-22 Dates and Times
Rangers meets on these Sundays from 2-4pm: Sep 12 • Nov 14 • Jan 9 • Mar 13 • May 1
For More Information?
Please email or call rangers@sauganashcenter.org 773-283-1099