Leadership for America Application 


  • Personal Information

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Education

  • Miscellaneous

  • As the parent or legal guardian of the participant identified on this application, I hereby delegate authority to the Directors of "Leadership for America" to arrange whatever medical treatment they deem necessary for him during the activity. Also, I hereby authorize and consent to the use and reproduction by Sauganash Study Center staff or an authorized agent or assignee of any and all photographs taken of the above-named applicant for the purpose of promoting Sauganash programs, without any compensation to me. All photos, together with any prints, shall constitute property of Sauganash, solely and completely.
  • Who recommended this program to you?
  • Write an essay (e.g. 200 words) on one of the following topics:

    1.) Identify someone who has exercised a leadership role in your life and describe his influence.
    2.) What quality more than any others makes for a great leader?
    3.) What historical figure do you admire as a leader and why?

    Applications submitted without an essay will not be considered.

    You may want to draft your essay prior to completing the online application and then copy and paste it into the box provided.
  • Please include any medical or dietary needs.