Tomahawk Club Registration

  • Personal Information

  • Education

  • Other Information

  • For all those who mark 'yes' below, we will help you coordinate travel plans to Tomahawk Club with other students in your area by sharing your contact info with each other (name, city, home phone number). You can then contact directly those in your area about the possibility of carpools or riding the train together. We will send you this contact information as the first session approaches.
  • I hereby authorize and consent to the use and reproduction by Tomahawk Club staff or an authorized agent or assignee of any and all photographs taken of my son for the purpose of promoting Tomahawk Club, without any compensation to me. All film, together with any prints, shall constitute property of Sauganash Study Center, solely and completely.
  • Who recommended this program to you?
  • Please include any dietary restrictions or medical conditions the staff should be aware of.